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Frequently Asked Questions

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Providing Recommendations

Who should I recommend to join Mavuus?

Technically you can send an invite to anyone that you think might benefit. Either a fellow marketer (because you know how hard it is to find good quality vendors) or your favorite service provider (so your peers in marketing can take advantage of their expertise). We all know the power of star ratings. We recommend that you are mindful of this process. Remember, you are putting your own personal stamp of approval for your peers to see. Would you personally recommend this vendor to a peer if they asked you 1-on-1? That's the logic behind Mavuus.

Can I remove my recommendation later?

Yes, you can. We are all about transparency and real ratings at Mavuus. If you feel like you no longer stand behind a particular service provider, you can easily remove your recommendation at any time. They will not be notified, so no worries about hurting their feelings.